Título: Use of circulating exosomes as novel markers of neurofibromatosis progression and define new therapeutic targets
IP: Dr. Héctor Peinado Selgas
Resumen del proyecto: Plexiform Neurofibromas account for more tan 30% of NF1 patients. During NF1 progression around 10% of the cases progress to a malignant variant called malignant peripherical nerve stealth tumors (MPNSTs). These tumors are malignant sarcomas and frecuently metastasize in the lungs. During last years a huge effort has been made in order to understand the communication between the tumor and its microenvironment. Seminal contributions by Dr. Ratner idestified the stroma as a crucial facto involved in NF progression. Different cell types such as mast cells, endotelial cells and fibroblast have been involved in the crosstalk between the tumor and the microenvieonment. Our group has beed focusen on the analysis of the role of secreted vesicles, called exosomes, in the crosstalk between different cell types in differenc cancer types such as melanoma, pancreatic and breast cancer. In recent years, we have found that MPNST cells secrete high levels of exosomes and they may provide a new way of cummunication between the tumor cells and the microenvironment. We profiled the secreted exosomes from different MPNST-derived cell lines and found that there is a pro-angiogenic signature assotiated. Our data support that there is a proteomic signature in secreted exosomes assotiated to MPNST progression.
Entidad financiadora: Asociación de Afectados de Neurofibromatosis