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Home » Proyectos de investigación » Metabolomic liquid biopsy dynamics predict early-stage HCC and actionable candidates of human hepatocarcinogenesis
Título: Metabolomic liquid biopsy dynamics predict early-stage HCC and actionable candidates of human hepatocarcinogenesis
IP: Dra. Rocío I. Rodríguez Macías
Resumen del proyecto: As part of a broad project with the overall objective of searching for markers to identify the progression of liver damage towards the two most frequent liver tumors: hepatocarcinoma (HCC) and cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), we have performed analysis of metabolites and proteins isolated from microvesicles in serum of patients with liver tumors to confirm those that may be useful for early diagnosis in risk groups and differential diagnosis between the two types of liver tumors. In the framework of a European collaboration we have been asked to participate in the study that has led to the following publication, which is in its second version in writing "Metabolomic liquid biopsy dynamics predict early-stage HCC and actionable candidates of human hepatocarcinogenesis". In this work our data would be used to validate its metabolomic signature in an external cohort (project summary attached).
Entidad financiadora: Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (Carlos III Health Institute, co-funded by European Regional Development Fund). Ref. PI20/00189, PI23/00681
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University of Salamanca
Biobanks Network
Institute Carlos III
Junta de Castilla y León
European Union
Banco Nacional de ADN
Edificio Multiusos I+D+i (Universidad de Salamanca)
C/ Espejo s/n. 37007 Salamanca
Teléfono de contacto: 923294500. Ext. 5473