Título: Genetic Study on Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
IP: Dr. Ferrán García Fructuoso / Dr. José Ignacio Lao Villadóniga / Dr. Joaquín Fernández Solá
Resumen del proyecto: Fibromyalgia Syndrome (SF) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) are two different, very prevalent illnesses (3% and 0.3% in the general population), of cause unknown and with unknown physiopathological mechanisms which cause an immense socio-health problem. The study, the first with these features in the world, will determine 90 SNPs through various phases (ideally as many as 9000) from 360 samples, each with patients selected from the FM and/or CFS Patient Registry.
Entidad financiadora: Fundación para la Fibromialgia y el Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica