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Home » Proyectos de investigación » Collaborative cOhorts Reassembled Data to study mEchanisms and Longterm Incidence of cArdiovascular diseases CORDELIA
Título: Collaborative cOhorts Reassembled Data to study mEchanisms and Longterm Incidence of cArdiovascular diseases CORDELIA
IP: Dr. Jaume Marrugat de la Iglesia
Resumen del proyecto: This project has the 163,830 participants aged 30 to 84 from the CORDELIA cohort (Collaborative cOhorts Reassembled Data to study mEchanisms and Longterm Incidence of chronic diseAses). It combines data from 31 cohorts from 23 institutions representing 12 autonomous communities, although some have national coverage. The CORDELIA project is governed by an agreement managed at CIBER. This project is associated with the National Genotyping Center (CEGEN) IMPACT Genomic Medicine The genome-wide association (GWAS) with the incidence of coronary and cardiovascular disease at 10 years in people initially without cardiovascular disease will be evaluated, for the first hit in Spain The validity of existing risk functions will be assessed and new coronary disease predictive functions will be generated that may include coronary genetic risk scores (GRS) based on the results obtained from the GWAS. The utility of GRS to predict cardiovascular event risk in people with cardiovascular disease will also be analyzed. The results can be validated in future cohorts such as IMPACT Predictive Medicine or in other cohorts such as UK Biobank. 84 variables of risk factors and incidence of coronary and cardiovascular disease from the 31 cohorts, which have an average follow-up of >11 years, will be added in a standardized way. About 3500 incident coronary and cardiovascular events are expected among the 101,397 participants with cryopreserved DNA samples. Of these, 68,245 have their DNA already extracted. From the remaining 33,152 blood cell samples, DNA will be extracted in the context of the project. Genotyping of the complete genome will be performed on the 101,397 participants with DNA, using the Spanish Biobank Array (SBA) of the CEGEN IMPACT Genomic Medicine, equivalent to the UK Biobank Array.
Entidad financiadora: Instituto Salud Carlos III
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University of Salamanca
Biobanks Network
Institute Carlos III
Junta de Castilla y León
European Union
Banco Nacional de ADN
Edificio Multiusos I+D+i (Universidad de Salamanca)
C/ Espejo s/n. 37007 Salamanca
Teléfono de contacto: 923294500. Ext. 5473