Título: Cofactores del VIH
IP: Dr. José Esté Araque
Resumen del proyecto: Several genetic and environmental host factors are important determinants of the susceptibility to HIV infection and disease progresion. Although it is clear the existence of an important genetic component in the different responses to HIV invection, the knowledge of the genes involved is limited and only in a few of them its mechanism of action has been characterized. The identification and characterization of new host factors with a role in the course of HIV infection is rellevant for a better understanding of the mechanisms involved and for the description of novel putative terapheutic targets.
The main objective of our work is the identification and functional characterization of new determinant factors of the differences in susceptibility to HIV infection and the time-course of its progression to AIDS.Genes already identified as protective in long term non progressors will beevaluated in the HIV negative population. We wish to evaluate the prevalence of protective genes in the uninfected Spanish population.
This proposed multidisciplinar approach will allow the definition of genetic risk factors of HIV infection in our population. In addition, it will shed light into their biological function, both confirmig the genetic results and determining the mechanism of action in the biological cycle of HIV.
Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación