Título: Análisis genético de las poblaciones humanas de la península ibérica y su relación con el norte de África
IP: David Comas Martínez
Resumen del proyecto: Over the past fifty years, genetic diversity studies have changed our understanding of human origins. Today, it would be difficult to discuss the origin and spread of our species without drawing on the genetic data produced. However, many gaps remain in our knowledge. This is particularly true for more recent events in human evolutionary history – those that have occurred over the past 50,000 years. Recent work has focused on specific regions to great success, but these studies are rare. To trace recent migrations systematically we will need to pool genetic data from a large number of samples. The present project aims the reconstruction of population events (such as migrations, expansions, admixture, founder effects) in the Iberian Peninsula since Paleolithic times and their relationships with North African populations. In order to achieve this goal, a battery of genetic autosomic markers will be analyzed in individuals from two population s of the Iberian Peninsula: Galicians and Andalusians. This data will be compared to the Mediterranean genetic landscape in order to unravel their population history. The project has an anthropological aim and will study in depth the population history of the Iberian Peninsula within the Mediterranean landscape.
Entidad financiadora: Universitat Pompeu Fabra